Sculpture & Fabrication

Sculpture and pavilion design are specialties that lie at the heart of our studio's philosophy, where material understanding and strong narrative concepts converge. Our expertise extends beyond design, as we embrace a hands-on approach to fabrication. Utilizing in-house technology, such as parametric design, we not only generate intricate 3D forms but also streamline the fabrication of complex geometries. Our on-site Digital Prototyping Lab is equipped with advanced machinery, including 3D printers, CNC routers, laser cutters, and woodworking machines. This allows us to produce 1:1 prototypes, fostering seamless collaboration with manufacturers. We work closely with our trusted subcontractors to deliver complete sculptures or smaller elements that together form the final masterpiece. By combining our design prowess with our fabrication capabilities, we ensure the realization of extraordinary sculptures and pavilions that embody the essence of our clients' vision.

Related projects:

Red Crystals

Sculpture symbolizing vibrant eruption of sound for the Music School in Warsaw

Levitating Theatre

A fluid platform poured through the trees simultaneously used as a dining table and theatre stage.

Cisowianka Sculpture

Sculpture representing water bubbles of one of the clients sub brand Perlage.